Friday, December 6, 2013

Claire's First Official Snow Day

 Claire really hates her PE class right now so when she woke up and I told her to look outside, her first words were actually "Really? No PE today? Wahoooo!!!" I made gingerbread oatmeal and herbal tea for all of us, we kissed Dad and sent him to school and then suited up. Good thing we're actually Idaho girls in disguise out here so we were perfectly prepared to play! It turned out Dad's classes were cancelled too but he stayed to finish a research project. What a hard working guy!
 Sophie's face as she first jumped into the snow.
 Claire meets her goal of making a snow angel right away.
 When it was just three girls. Who knows who's coming this summer? We're excited!

 Goal #2, catch a snowflake. Check.
 Tossing snow.
 Sophie is chewing gum, which she does 24/7. We should get stock! Luckily, there's a Mennonite shop in town that sells gum at a big discount. Sophie considers it to be a staple. That and Spaghetti-O's.

Don't put me down Mom!

Now we're inside warming up with hot chocolate and soon we'll do our Christmas decorating while we watch holiday movies. Yay!

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