Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Giant Walking Girl!

Sophie broke our camera just after Halloween but luckily Hooma's was around...
I was talking a picture of Sophie trying to stand and wearing a headband (for once!) and she took off walking! She's only ever attempted two steps at a time before and always when near furniture for support. We all erupted into praise and applause, which infuriated Claire. Claire is now spinning and doing ballerina tricks to try to elicit some attention. In one of the clips, she actually pokes Sophie in the back of the head to knock her over--the term that comes to mind is Stink-Pot. Sophie's main word is "Cla", meaning Claire because she's the most awesome sister in the world. I'm sure Sophie's already forgiven her.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trunk-or-Treat 2011

Spooky Burch Family

Claire designed her costume and I helped her realize it :)

This pose was intended to show her tail, but it must have been too swishy.

Hannah was Athena, complete with Owl familiar

Sophie wasn't in a great humor, so she's only featured in group shots...

Hooma was mysterious and sparkly. We bought gold make-up for all the girls--complete with sticker earring jewels.

Fishing and Apple Picking

Claire and Uncle Aaron with his big catch at Ryder Park in Idaho Falls
Sophie prepares to eat an apple she picked in Shelly, Idaho
We pose in an orchard that let us pick cider varieties for free!

Apple Buddies

The chomping is the best part...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Snow of 2011

 Claire was delighted (after making sure this didn't mean foregoing Halloween and Thanksgiving) and asked to be fully suited up. It was a day off of school for her anyway but we called it her "Snow Day."
 Making "Snow Worms"---I explained angels were more common but she thought that was too prosaic.
Sophie doesn't have snow pants yet so she followed Claire around the backyard by speeding from window to window, waving frantically and weeping with joy whenever Claire noticed her.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy First Birthday Sophie!

 A midnight portrait--hey we're always up anyway, right?
 Chrysanthemum cake with colors picked by Sophie
 We went to her favorite restaurant, Chuck-a-Rama. Food is VERY important to Soapy.
 Showing off her new teeth--this little grin lets her get away with all kinds of stuff!
 Enjoying the songs and attention.
 "THIS!!!" (She can also say "That", "None", "Yeah", "Hi-bye" and everyone's names)
 Claire is the coolest sister in the world.
 Well if no one's gonna give me cake I'll fetch it myself...

Claire plays with Sophie's new toys so they won't get lonely while Sophie demolishes cake.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Claire and Sophie Love to Spin

Sophie is a social laugher as well, and listen half-way through for Claire to shout, "You're my best friend Sophie!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of Pre-School

Authentic ponytail and magical Hannah hand-me-down backpack for the school going girl.
Ready to go to school!
This is what Claire had planned for herself as a first day outfit.

Claire started school yesterday. She still likes the concept of school but has found it a bit frustrating to have extra authority figures introduced into her very independent life. Each day I pick up a very cross little customer who informs me, "Thunder wouldn't have frightened me on the playground if you had been with me!" or "A horrible dog wouldn't have bitten me if you had been with me!" Apparently they aren't to the anti-confabulation bit of a Montessori education...

Claire's 3rd Birthday

We had a rainbow activity party with a playground parachute, bubble machine and all of Claire's favorite outside activities. After the initial obligatory tantrum, she had a great time!
Soap takes down a legion of cupcakes with her NEW TOOTH!
Claire opens her "Ultimate Sparkle Disney Princess Doll" collection and gives me a gratifying "Squee?! Gnrghh!" All the beauty after-Christmas sales can buy...
Claire wanted to go camping for her birthday and Uncle Hans accompanied us. We camped in Targhee/Caribou near our favorite mushroom and huckleberry spot.
Claire, excited for her first overnight camp-out.
Authentic campers
Soapy thought an activity where we basically sit around together and eat for nearly a day was an awesome idea.
Claire helps hunt for Russula xerampelina.
Daddy lights the special purple-with-mermaids-and-bubbles-and-also-my-name-please-mom cake.
Sophie was thrilled to be officially invited to the backyard party.
Tree top Sophie. Based on her current daily proportional caloric intake, she'll probably end up being about 20 feet tall.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July Yellowstone

Artist's Point, Yellowstone Canyon
Fairy Falls
Paint Pots
Adam caught the first fish of the season at the cabin--a delicious Brook!

It's great that we hang out in Yellowstone Nat'l so much now that I have to note the month rather than the year! We are having a great time hiking, fishing and generally exploring this awesome part of the world. Did you know that if your baby daughter wakes you up at 5am anyway, you can slide your waders on and stand in Henry's Lake as the sun comes up and the mist on the water rolls over you? The next time you do that, make sure you turn around too--because a bald eagle is probably sitting a few yards away watching to see if you catch anything he might borrow.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lagoon Trip

Claire's favorite carousel steed--"Fluffy Cloud-but-not-rain-kind-of-cloud Cat'o Mine!"
Classic Hannah--Anthon and Daniel are in the car just behind us as well...
Nearing the end of the day.
Claire drives the coveted lead purple boat. She actually made a pair of sisters cry by insisting that she was first, it was her boat and they could go stand in line again if they really wanted to ride the purple one. I shamelessly cheered her on.

The serious, yet safe, little driver.
Claire's *first* roller coaster ride--look at her face as she realizes what she's gotten herself into at the crest of the first hill. Could be I'm evil, but that's dang funny! She spent the rest of the ride pasted to the floor of the car while Adam tried to reassure her. I suspect that's it for Old Puff for a few years.
This is actually a picture from Island Park, but taken at about the same time.
A date on "Turn of the Century"
The "Corn Ride"--Soapy's absolute favorite!

We had a meltingly hot day at Lagoon a few weeks ago. Thankfully, Claire's favorite ride is the carousel and spinning in a shaded circle makes for a nice cool break from the sun.