Saturday, August 18, 2012

Claire turns 4!

 The prepared booty: Jewels, Gold nuggets and shells for buried treasure, jewel stickers and skulls for taping on pirate hats, patches, earrings, stickers and tattoos for loot bags, stacks of gold doubloons for the treasure hunt.
 Claire's cake--we bought a blue one and added the island, pirates and doubloon filled chest.
 The neighbor boys arrive READY for a pirate party.
 Sophie adores a neighbor boy.
 Claire plays "Man Overboard" with a neighbor girl. We had little pirate figures you could tip into a sea of mermaids and then try to rescue.
 Guests decorated paper pirate hats and had little cellophane spyglasses to make the world look oceany.
 Sophie takes a break while Eloise lounges in the heat.
 Working on hats.
 Uncle Hans helps Sophie get more jewels on her hat.

 Claire picked her favorite foods for snacks: Rainbow Goldfish, cheese cubes, grapes, and chocolate milk.
 Looking at picture clues to find the buried treasure.
 Red doubloon satchels were hidden in the tire swing!

 Sophie gets help from a gentleman pirate.
 Claire and her buddies.
 Aunt Hannah worked overtime setting up for the party and then playing with the kids.
 Pretzel rod pirate swords.
 Walking the plank backwards to win a candy necklace--watch out for the Mer-Dinosaur!
 Claire and Sophie detox.
 Fishing for pretzels with hook hands.
 Claire listens to her friends sing happy birthday. Notice that she added candy to her cake just before the party started.
 A Mom demos the hook hand game.
 Claire eats delicious birthday cake on the plates that matched her original requested theme.
 Doubloons work as patches too.
Sophie digs for gold and sea shells in the rice box.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Claire is four?! Your little cracker jack always seems so much older to me. Happy fourth, Claire Bear!