Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy Sophie Day!

Two years ago, Heavenly Father saved Sophie's life and returned her to live with us on Earth. We are absolutely forever grateful--there's just no way to give back the equivalent of having your child restored to life. All we can do is testify to the world that truly--He lives!
 Claire took these three portraits of Sophie and they capture her most common expressions so accurately I had to archive them.
 Sophie makes phone calls to Hooma and Papa.
 Depoe Bay-- "Whale Watching" but mainly laughing at seagulls and kayakers that were out tipping in very choppy waves.

 Soap was non-participatory--although she did allow us to give her cotton candy.

 Best friends---this WILL be used as evidence when you are all teenagers, Ladies.

1 comment:

Hay said...

Yeah for miracles and for precious little girls! They are beautiful!